miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Did you know SlideShare now supports Infographics?

Upload infographics on SlideShare to reach 55 million monthly users
SlideShare Remember to display images

We've got infographics!
Infographics — now on SlideShare! Browse gallery
Great content is not great until it reaches the right audience. You can now share infographics on SlideShare and get:
Global Reach — 55 million
55 million unique monthly users. 130 million page views. That's like reaching an audience twice the size of Canada!
4x More Viral
Infographics on SlideShare are 4x more viral than presentations and 23x more viral than documents.
Mashable, LinkedIn, The Huffington Post, Column Five, Ogilvy, Ethos3 and many more, are already using SlideShare for infographics.

Mashable, LinkedIn, The Huffington Post, Column Five, Ogilvy, Ethos3 and more already use SlideShare.

Use SlideShare to share your work!

Browse the infographic gallery

— The SlideShare Team
Quick tip: If you create infographics for clients, give them credit in the description.

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