miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

Slide Makeovers: The Redesign of a Bestselling Author's Deck

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Bernard Marr Slide Makeover
Even bestselling authors can use a refresh. In our latest Slide Makeover, we took business author Bernard Marr's popular presentation "6 Ways Not to Shake Hands," and revamped the design to amplify his advice. Check out the "Before" and "After," and follow these 4 tactics for remaking your slides.
Shark Tank on SlideShare Shark Tank: The Art of the Pitch Sometimes the best way to learn is to be thrown to the Sharks. Aspiring entrepreneurs do just that on the hit TV show Shark Tank. Watch the best pitches from the show, and learn how to successfully pitch a Shark.
Content Marketing Strategies How To Do Content Right Most of us have published at least a social media update or blog post at some point. How do you take your content to the next level? What are best practices for publishing and getting ROI? Discover and share best content strategies.

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